Wednesday 7 August 2013

Simple Resignation letter ...

Respected Sir/Madam,
It is with deep regret that I hereby tender my resignation. Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [CompanyName] effective from 08 OCT, 2007. 

The associations I've made during my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come.
I thank you for the opportunity given to me to serve in this organization and I wish to place on record the fact that I have gained valuable experience for which I shall always be indebted to you during my tenure.
Also I wish to thank you for the considerate treatment accorded to me by the management and staff and for the trust placed in me during the course of my work.
I would be grateful if you could relieve me from the services at the earliest.
Thanking you,

Friday 5 April 2013

Good bye mail ...

This will be my last week at [company name]. I am leaving the firm to begin next phase of my career.

I have truly enjoyed my [XX] years at [company name] and the opportunity to work closely with so many talented and dedicated colleagues.

Thank all of you for all your support and co-operation. We have accomplished some great things together.

I wish you and the company every success for the years ahead.
Please keep in touch.



Thursday 20 December 2012

Adios Amigos !!

Hello folks,

As some of you would know,  I am moving out of the company J.

The journey in these last 5 years has been the ‘most amazing’, the ‘most fulfilling’, the ‘most educating’ and above all the ‘most cherished’one.

I feel extremely privileged having got the opportunity to know and work with so many talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who are so welcoming and friendly.

It has truly been an enriching life experience for me !! Thank you all !!          

The reason I am writing this email today and not on my last day here is because I want to meet as many of you as I can before I leave. So do stop by if you get a chance.              

Although I will continue to interact with some of you at work, I am surely going to miss seeing and meeting most of you.

Just so that we keep in touch, here’s my personal email id -                                

I would like to wish each and every one of you the best of luck in all your personal and professional endeavors.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I do hope that our paths cross ahead in life and we meet again. Until that time - ‘do svidaniya’ !!

Best Regards,

Monday 29 October 2012

Sample Last Working Day Email ...

Hi All,
On my last day in this company I will really like to take this opportunity to thank you all for making my stay here in [Company] more hospitable and enjoyable. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me for past 3 years here at [Company].

I sincerely hope that we get an opportunity to interact and work together in future at some point of time.
My Personal number and email have been provided below, please do stay in touch.

Tel – [Number]
Email – [Email]

Saturday 1 September 2012

Sample Good bye email

Dear All,
                        Tomorrow is my last working day in this organization. It has been a pleasure, memorable  and enriching experience in terms of  professionally  as well personally .
I would like to take this opportunity to thank   [abcd], [efgh], [ijkl] & entire team  for their support and guidance during my tenure . I sincerely express my thanks and gratitude to each one of you whom i have interacted with for the guidance, support and co-operation extended to me in carrying out my tasks.
Be  in touch,  I am always  reachable on my mobile no:[phone number], personal id:[email] and off course  on Facebook.
Good luck and good  bye!!!!!!!!! 

Monday 20 August 2012

Last working day email ...


My three years long tenure with [Company Name] has ended on August XX, XXXX.
By the time you'll receive this email, I might have left already.

I have enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you
Thank you for adding some of the most memorable experiences to my life which I'll always treasure.

I'm starting with a new phase of my career and also to some extent my life.

I met many good and trustworthy people here.

We will stay connected.

I thank you all for everything

May god bless us all with health, wealth and most importantly, happiness.

You may keep in touch with me at [Email]

Farewell everyone!!

Yours friendly,