Thursday 20 December 2012

Adios Amigos !!

Hello folks,

As some of you would know,  I am moving out of the company J.

The journey in these last 5 years has been the ‘most amazing’, the ‘most fulfilling’, the ‘most educating’ and above all the ‘most cherished’one.

I feel extremely privileged having got the opportunity to know and work with so many talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who are so welcoming and friendly.

It has truly been an enriching life experience for me !! Thank you all !!          

The reason I am writing this email today and not on my last day here is because I want to meet as many of you as I can before I leave. So do stop by if you get a chance.              

Although I will continue to interact with some of you at work, I am surely going to miss seeing and meeting most of you.

Just so that we keep in touch, here’s my personal email id -                                

I would like to wish each and every one of you the best of luck in all your personal and professional endeavors.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I do hope that our paths cross ahead in life and we meet again. Until that time - ‘do svidaniya’ !!

Best Regards,